Exploring AI Literacy with the AI Pedagogy Project (from Harvard Metalab)

Exploring AI Literacy with the AI Pedagogy Project (from Harvard Metalab)

Brief description of the activity and/or assessment Invite students…
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How Teachers Can Harness AI in Our Work – Anna Mills

How Teachers Can Harness AI in Our Work – Anna Mills

This post includes the recording of a workshop by…
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Generative AI Activities for the Writing & Language Classroom (Anna Mills)

Generative AI Activities for the Writing & Language Classroom (Anna Mills)

This post includes the recording of a workshop by…
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PowerPoint Karaoke: Copyright, Accessibility & Creativity in One

PowerPoint Karaoke: Copyright, Accessibility & Creativity in One

Students apply what they have learned about copyright/creative commons and accessibility to create PowerPoint/Google Slides in groups – using copyright-free images, and using alt-text.
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Playing Games to Understand Fake News

Playing Games to Understand Fake News

Students select 2 or 3 of the shared fake news games, play them, and write a reflection on what they learned about fake news by playing the games. Each game tackles fake news from a different angle.
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Freshmen Year, Student E-Portfolios

Freshmen Year, Student E-Portfolios

These are E-portfolios that are assigned to students from the beginning of the course. Students write, reflect and make connections after each unit in learning journals and post them to their E-Portfolio.
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Anthro Insta

Anthro Insta

Students post to our group Instagram account an image synthetizing their thoughts on the week. They think about what stood out for them in our discussions, readings, fieldwork. The focus is on how the image speaks for itself.
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Using Flipgrid for Student Engagement in Online Classes

Using Flipgrid for Student Engagement in Online Classes

Students use Flipgrid for interactive and engaging video discussions to respond to speaking prompts in online, blended, and asynchronous classes.
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Learning Academic Integrity Via Real Life Cases

Learning Academic Integrity Via Real Life Cases

Instead of lecturing on academic integrity, students research online celebrities who breached some form of integrity then create video PPTs, e-posters and reflect.
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Instagram Journal Reflection

Instagram Journal Reflection

Students join the class Instagram account to participate in a reflective platform. This activity helps students write their final course reflection paper at the end of the semester.
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Happiness Habit Log: Blogging/Vlogging Your Progress

Happiness Habit Log: Blogging/Vlogging Your Progress

Students pick at least one habit of happiness to practice for the semester. They vlog or blog and make connections to the readings, class lecture and discussions.
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Creating Blogs

Creating Blogs

How to use Blogs as a digital portfolio to integrate all activities such as writing, video editing, audio editing, planning and creatively organizing content in a user friendly way.
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E-Portfolios for Student Reflections

E-Portfolios for Student Reflections

Students create e-portfolios as a tool to showcase their progress and write their reflections about the level to which they reached the course learning outcomes.
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Presenting Research through Multimedia

Presenting Research through Multimedia

Part 2 will be representing this research in an infographic or an animated video (students will choose one of these methods). Students learn a lot from doing them.
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Interactive Timeline Project

Interactive Timeline Project

The purpose of the assignment is to do research on an aspect of history that interests them and present it to the class using an interactive timeline
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Student Podcast Assignments – Minute Science

Student Podcast Assignments – Minute Science

You will create a short podcast about selected scientific themes. This assignment is a part of AUC Diaries-Life 101 campus-wide project: #AUCdiaries.
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Speculative Fiction Discussion: Arab Digital Data Futures

Speculative Fiction Discussion: Arab Digital Data Futures

Read this work of fiction set in the future, speculating on how sexual harassment may be tackled with digital technology in the future in Egypt.
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Media Literacy Survey: Set Your Motivation

Media Literacy Survey: Set Your Motivation

Discover your WHY of digital motivation! This is an activity meant for educators to discover their digital motivation (and gives a result of 2-3 among 12 different motivations).
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Ethical EdTech: Explore Data, Privacy, and Identity

Ethical EdTech: Explore Data, Privacy, and Identity

Invite students to go through the activity here where they can discuss how platforms use their data and how they feel about privacy
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Fake News Games

Fake News Games

Teach students about fake news using existing online games. Students can play all the games, or groups of students can play different games and report to the rest of the class.
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Digital Narrative Games

Digital Narrative Games

This is a project where you will strengthen your creative digital know-how, and create a digital narrative game to raise awareness about a topic.
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Digital Confidence Profile

Digital Confidence Profile

Invite students to self-assess and discover their own strengths and areas of improvement in digital literacies using this Digital Confidence Profile:
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‘Do Not Track’ Documentary

‘Do Not Track’ Documentary

Students watch the documentary “Do Not Track” and reflect on it in groups, and present it to the rest of the class with supportive research.
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Color Accessibility Check

Color Accessibility Check

Teach students about accessibility by using the color contrast checker to evaluate existing sites and presentations, and to use it in their own future work.
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Discussing a Film from Screening Surveillance

Discussing a Film from Screening Surveillance

Watch a film from Screening Surveillance, such as Blaxites, and have a discussion about data and surveillance in the future.
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Data Detox Kit

Data Detox Kit

Students work in groups to explore the Data Detox Kit activities (three topics: Privacy, Security, Wellbeing).
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