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Brief description of the Assessment

English language faculty assign their students e-portfolios as a tool to showcase their progress and write their reflections about the level to which they believe they have reached the course learning outcomes. This is done using as the tool for the e-portfolios and the 40 reflection questions as guiding questions to help students get started with their deep reflections. The students are also asked to demonstrate their learning through showing visual artefacts and short writings from their own work in the course throughout the semester. This is a sample of a student’s e-portfolio

Sample/model explanation for students about how this activity develops their digital literacies (100 words)

This activity helps improve students’ digital literacies through learning how to present their work digitally using a website tool such as Wix. It helps them choose which material to showcase, how to write a reflection showcasing their progress and their work online publicly, how to create and publish a website, use visuals and themes to make it visually interesting. The benefits of learning the skills and literacies related to web design are tremendous.

Ways to assess student work

Formative (Graded)

Faculty and student support material

These are 40 reflection questions resource used to help students with guiding their reflections:

Average preparation time for faculty (in minutes)

Between preparing the assignment instructions and rubric as well as integrating the project in the overall course structure, approximately 2 hours.

Average time it takes students to complete this activity

Students need to work on the e-portfolio consistently and continuously throughout the semester, ideally submit it for feedback midterm, and then continue to adjust and add to it the rest of the semester. Approximately that would be around 1 hour every week or so. This is additional to the 1 hour to set up and create the website, the design…etc.

Necessary tools/technologies or

Sample Applications in Different Disciplines