Brief Description of the Assessment

How to use Blogs as a digital portfolio to integrate all activities such as writing, video editing, audio editing, planning and creatively organizing content in a user friendly way.

Step by step instructions for the students

Ways to assess student work

Formative (ungraded)

Sample/model explanation for students about how this activity develops their digital literacies

This activity is meant to help students learn how to create and organize blogs. To upload all their assignments with appropriate working links. Learn how to present their work in an appropriate way that creates a website that is easily accessible and user friendly

Student support material

Average time it takes students to complete this activity

Around a week if it’s an end of semester project. Otherwise its a semester long project.

Necessary tools/technologies

Here are some tools for creating Blogs: WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Tumblr, Google Sites

Sample Student Blogs

Additional Information

You need to be acquainted with basics of blog creating and organization.