“We will need to incentivize, train and reward faculty to teach in novel ways”
AUC Strategic Plan, 2014-19
As part of his Academic Strategic Priorities (August 2015, ‘Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness’), the Provost directed the Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) to develop a Teaching Enhancement Program that would address the needs of all AUC faculty and that would lead to a certificate of participation, which would count towards promotion, tenure, renewal of contract, and the AFR.
In an email to all faculty on September 6th 2015, the Provost explained the rationale for such a program.
“The philosophy of liberal arts education is among the main institutional priorities of AUC, as it
enhances our students’ self-awareness and enables our graduates to have a unique edge in their
professional life.”
“Engaging in such professional development of teaching provides opportunities for all faculty—both
new and experienced–to exchange experiences, re-emphasize the values of a liberal arts education in their teaching, and grow as innovators and leaders in the field of higher education. Because of the importance of life-long learning in maintaining and enhancing faculty skills, engagement in these kinds of professional development opportunities will be increasingly considered in the AFR and reviews for tenure, promotion and contract renewal.”
The Teaching Enhancement Certificate Program developed by CLT is summarized below.
This program is intended to serve all AUC faculty – fulltime and adjunct. New faculty and those who are on tenure-track are strongly encouraged to enroll in the first cohort of fall 2015.
The Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) will be offering workshops aimed at addressing a wide spectrum of faculty needs in teaching and learning. This professional development opportunity is multi-faceted and includes the completion of a Teaching Enhancement Certificate.
Faculty will have the option to choose between Teaching Enhancement Certificate 1 and Teaching Enhancement Certificate 2 depending on whether they have taken CLT workshops previously or not.
In order to complete a certificate, faculty will have the choice to complete ONE of the following: (they could of course choose to complete several certificate)

Additional optional professional development activities that may be included in AFR, tenure and
promotion portfolios and renewal of contract, include:
Demonstration of Teaching Innovation
Preparing and presenting a teaching and learning innovation activity (at teaching and learning community events or other formal meeting among peers at AUC).
Peer Feedback and/or Mid-Semester Assessment of Teaching
This involves an observation by a faculty mentor or in the case of a mid-semester assessment, a CLT consultant. Both observations are regarded as tools for formative growth-oriented assessment and will result in a feedback report that is confidential.
CLT members will be available to support faculty as they plan and implement their teaching innovation activities. This may be a re-designed lesson or assignment, or integration of a new technology or pedagogy into the classroom. CLT consultation is also available for larger projects such as new course design or re-design.
Faculty members will be selected from Schools to serve as CLT liaisons within departments and to help disseminate information about our programs/services. Certificates of appreciation will be presented to all CLT Faculty Associates engaging in this initiative.