Brief description of the activity and/or assessment Invite students develop their Artificial Intelligence Literacy with choices of what they would like to focus on. The …

Brief description of the activity and/or assessment Invite students develop their Artificial Intelligence Literacy with choices of what they would like to focus on. The …
Students select 2 or 3 of the shared fake news games, play them, and write a reflection on what they learned about fake news by playing the games. Each game tackles fake news from a different angle.
Students post to our group Instagram account an image synthetizing their thoughts on the week. They think about what stood out for them in our discussions, readings, fieldwork. The focus is on how the image speaks for itself.
Students use Flipgrid for interactive and engaging video discussions to respond to speaking prompts in online, blended, and asynchronous classes.
Instead of lecturing on academic integrity, students research online celebrities who breached some form of integrity then create video PPTs, e-posters and reflect.
Students join the class Instagram account to participate in a reflective platform. This activity helps students write their final course reflection paper at the end of the semester.
Students pick at least one habit of happiness to practice for the semester. They vlog or blog and make connections to the readings, class lecture and discussions.
How to use Blogs as a digital portfolio to integrate all activities such as writing, video editing, audio editing, planning and creatively organizing content in a user friendly way.
Read this work of fiction set in the future, speculating on how sexual harassment may be tackled with digital technology in the future in Egypt.
Discover your WHY of digital motivation! This is an activity meant for educators to discover their digital motivation (and gives a result of 2-3 among 12 different motivations).