Students create e-portfolios as a tool to showcase their progress and write their reflections about the level to which they reached the course learning outcomes.

Students create e-portfolios as a tool to showcase their progress and write their reflections about the level to which they reached the course learning outcomes.
The purpose of the assignment is to do research on an aspect of history that interests them and present it to the class using an interactive timeline
You will create a short podcast about selected scientific themes. This assignment is a part of AUC Diaries-Life 101 campus-wide project: #AUCdiaries.
Read this work of fiction set in the future, speculating on how sexual harassment may be tackled with digital technology in the future in Egypt.
Discover your WHY of digital motivation! This is an activity meant for educators to discover their digital motivation (and gives a result of 2-3 among 12 different motivations).
Invite students to go through the activity here where they can discuss how platforms use their data and how they feel about privacy
Teach students about fake news using existing online games. Students can play all the games, or groups of students can play different games and report to the rest of the class.
This is a project where you will strengthen your creative digital know-how, and create a digital narrative game to raise awareness about a topic.
Invite students to self-assess and discover their own strengths and areas of improvement in digital literacies using this Digital Confidence Profile:
Teach students about accessibility by using the color contrast checker to evaluate existing sites and presentations, and to use it in their own future work.