How Can I Add Files and Create Folders ?

Course readings, lecture presentations and any related course materials are typically added to a Content Area. Note: Before proceeding, make sure that edit mode is set to “On”

Edit Mode On
Note: Before proceeding, make sure that edit mode is set to “On”

Adding a File

To add a file (such as .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx) to a content area,

  1. Click on the Course Content tab on your left panel.
  2. Click on “Build Content” and choose “Item”.
  3. Add Content
  4. Enter a title for the item (ex. Week 1 ), and click the Browse My Computer button to add a file from your local computer.
  5. Click Submit
  6. Add item

Adding Folders

You may wish to organize your files in folders. To add a folder to a content area,

  1. Click on the Course Content tab on your left panel.
  2. Click on “Content Folder”.
  3. Enter a title for the folder.
  4. Click Submit.