Students apply what they have learned about copyright/creative commons and accessibility to create PowerPoint/Google Slides in groups – using copyright-free images, and using alt-text.

Students apply what they have learned about copyright/creative commons and accessibility to create PowerPoint/Google Slides in groups – using copyright-free images, and using alt-text.
These are E-portfolios that are assigned to students from the beginning of the course. Students write, reflect and make connections after each unit in learning journals and post them to their E-Portfolio.
Students use Flipgrid for interactive and engaging video discussions to respond to speaking prompts in online, blended, and asynchronous classes.
Instead of lecturing on academic integrity, students research online celebrities who breached some form of integrity then create video PPTs, e-posters and reflect.
Students pick at least one habit of happiness to practice for the semester. They vlog or blog and make connections to the readings, class lecture and discussions.
Part 2 will be representing this research in an infographic or an animated video (students will choose one of these methods). Students learn a lot from doing them.
You will create a short podcast about selected scientific themes. This assignment is a part of AUC Diaries-Life 101 campus-wide project: #AUCdiaries.
Read this work of fiction set in the future, speculating on how sexual harassment may be tackled with digital technology in the future in Egypt.
Watch a film from Screening Surveillance, such as Blaxites, and have a discussion about data and surveillance in the future.