Brief description of the activity and/or assessment Invite students develop their Artificial Intelligence Literacy with choices of what they would like to focus on. The …

Brief description of the activity and/or assessment Invite students develop their Artificial Intelligence Literacy with choices of what they would like to focus on. The …
Instead of lecturing on academic integrity, students research online celebrities who breached some form of integrity then create video PPTs, e-posters and reflect.
Students create e-portfolios as a tool to showcase their progress and write their reflections about the level to which they reached the course learning outcomes.
The purpose of the assignment is to do research on an aspect of history that interests them and present it to the class using an interactive timeline
You will create a short podcast about selected scientific themes. This assignment is a part of AUC Diaries-Life 101 campus-wide project: #AUCdiaries.
This is a project where you will strengthen your creative digital know-how, and create a digital narrative game to raise awareness about a topic.