Brief description of the assessment

Invite students to self-assess and discover their own strengths and areas of improvement in digital literacies using this Digital Confidence Profile.

You can integrate this assessment with a larger “Choose your digital literacies pathway” assignment similar to the one described here (links, slides, video and overall grading breakdown included). Students can follow through on the aspects of digital literacies they need to improve and choose how they would like to learn them. Students can then present their learning to their colleagues in class and/or write a reflection synthesizing what they learned throughout this process.

Instructions document – Step by step instructions for the students

Ways to assess student work


Model explanation for students about how this activity develops their digital literacies

Discover and reflect on your own digital literacies and choose how you will develop your digital literacies in areas and approaches that interest you.

Average preparation time for faculty (in minutes)

10 minutes to explain activity.

Average time it takes students to complete this activity

Varies depending on how deep learners go. Should be between 7-10 hours.

Necessary tools/technologies
