To download all students submissions of an assignment in your course, please follow these steps:
1. Under Course Management, expand Grade Center and click on Full Grade Center.
2. Scroll to the right to the assignment you want to download. Hover on the column header and click on the downward chevron arrow, and select Assignment File Download from the menu.
3. Select the users you want to download their assignments, or click the checkbox next to the Name column to select all users.
4. Click Submit to proceed. The downloaded files will be packaged in a zip file.
5. Click on Download assignments now link to download the zip file to your computer.
6. If you unzip the file, you will find the submission files named by the assignment name _ student username _ submission date and time _ and original submitted file name. There is also a text file for each submission with the meta data of the assignment submission file.
You can repeat the previous steps for each assignment.