How Do I Keep Track of Attendance in Moodle?


Create an Attendance activity

  1. On the course home page, click Turn editing on.
  2. In the relevant section, click Add an activity or resource and select Attendance from the drop-down list.
  1. On the Adding a new Attendance page, change the Name of the Attendance activity (Optional).  In the Grade section, you can change the grade type to Scale, Point or None.
  1. Complete the remaining fields on the page, and click Save and display.
  2. On the Sessions page, click the Add session tab.
  1. On the Add session page:
    1. select the Groups to which this activity applies, if this is a group session or you can select All students.
    2. enter the date and time of the first class.
    3. you can allow students to record their own attendance by checking the box displayed.
  1. If you want the attendance activity to be repeated for multiple sessions of your class then do the following:
    1. check the box which states “Repeat the session above as follows”.
    2. check the days on which your classes are held.
    3. select the repetition rate (“2” means the class is held every two weeks) 
    4. select the date for the last class.
  1. Click Add and check that the sessions have been setup correctly.