What Is the Difference Between a Module/Page/File?



  • Through modules, you can organize learning materials, build structure, and set the flow of the learning experience. You can organize modules by unit, topic, theme, or week.
  • Modules are similar to “folders” in Blackboard, where you can include resources, assignments, discussions, quizzes, and pages.
  • But modules also enable you to:
    • Simplify student navigation through a course, ensuring a sequential flow of content and the ability to track their progress. 
    • Release content on scheduled dates and time

How to create modules

Example of Modules


  • You create pages to present learning content to students, such as material, resources, or information about the course.
  • It is similar to the “Item” feature in Blackboard. 
  • The type of content you can add to a page includes:
    • Text, images, video, and audio
    • Documents and files 
    • Clickable links to other areas of the course or to external websites
  • Difference between pages and files:
    •  Pages allow you to format your content and make it responsive to mobile devices. 

How to create pages

Example of page


Files can house course files, syllabi, readings, or other documents. Files can be placed in Modules, Assignments, or Pages.